Have you registered at Go Noodle yet? It is a FREE website that gives you many choices for brain breaks during the day. One of my favorite features is that they have each video broken down into categories for you! There are some games that are made to calm the students and others that are designed to energize or enhance focus. It is also very helpful that they have categories by grade level as well. You can check out a picture of their menu below.
One of the brain breaks my students have been LOVING is the sing along of "Let it Go" from Frozen. It is amazing how many of them just belt it out without a care in the world. I love that about them! They are also really digging "Happy" from Despicable Me.
This is what the videos look like on www.gonoodle.com. |
My 4th graders are also very engaged by the home screen that features a silly monsters and the bar that moves up every time you complete a game. After they reach their goal, the monster transforms and becomes a little bigger. Then they are on a new level and start trying to reach their new goal. Also, I quite enjoy the funny little jokes that each monster says!
I am loving that even the kids that I thought would be "too cool" or resistant to standing up and dancing or singing are joining in on the fun! It has been bringing lots of extra smiles to our classroom lately! Give it a try and let me know how it goes in your classroom!
What brain breaks do your students enjoy the most?

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